Recently we just made an exciting and humbling announcement that there are over 200 million devices running Windows 10. You can read the full article here:
Some highlights from the above article:
- And Windows 10 adoption is accelerating, with more than 40% of new Windows 10 devices becoming active since Black Friday.
- In fact, Windows 10 continues to be on the fastest growth trajectory of any version of Windows – ever – outpacing Windows 7 by nearly 140% and Windows 8 by nearly 400%.
- We’re seeing increased preference for Windows 10 with consumers. Since Black Friday, US retail PC share* for Windows 10 grew 16 points to 62% compared to the prior four weeks. Windows 10 mix of PCs rose to 87% from 58% prior to the holiday.
- We are also seeing accelerating and unprecedented demand for Windows 10 among enterprise and education customers. As of today, more than 76% of our enterprise customers are in active pilots of Windows 10, and we now have over 22 million devices running Windows 10 across enterprise and education customers
You may be asking what is the opportunity behind free Windows 10. There are plenty of opportunities for you and your customers:
- Assess Customer Devices
- Replace/Refresh Old Devices
- Add Companion Devices
- Attach Accessories and Peripherals to Enable New Features
- Up-Sell/Cross-Sell
- Office 365
- Microsoft Azure
- Add Services
- Project Services (Assessment, Upgrade, Testing & Deployment)
- We just changed the activation methods to make it easier to upgrade your customers, you can read about them here: Activation in Windows 10
- Managed Services
- IP Services
As you can see there are lot of opportunities around Windows 10 that is being given a way for free, check out even more revenue opportunities we talked about previously here: Windows 10: The Partner Opportunity
Matt Hester
Sr. Partner Technology Strategist